I am thinking which of my 2 IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) experiences should I write about first. Since many are requesting and asking about IVF in Taiwan, I better start with my Taiwan experience.
After my successful IVF workup in the Philippines in 2005 and giving birth to my first child, I said to myself I would not do this whole thing again! Primarily because I prayed and asked the Lord to give me at least one baby and my wish was already granted. If I get pregnant again (hopefully the natural way), then it is an additional blessing. When we underwent the IVF procedure, I felt like it was our last resort and a desperate move to have a child, hence we will only be doing it once be it successful or not.
The second reason is that over the years of pregnancy workups, I have had lots of pregnancy shots to allow my body to produce more eggs. After which, follow up shots to control how big my follicles should grow and when is the right time to ovulate. These human interventions on how our natural body is supposed to work made us worry about side effects.
Third is, with our busy work schedule, it is difficult to allot time for workups. Everyone knows how it is waiting for your turn at the doctor’s clinic. Lastly, of course, is the cost it entails.
However, as a parent I cannot help but think about the future. When we are gone, who will be the closest relative my daughter can run to in case of emergencies? Who she can go to for support, for protection, for comfort? Because of this scary thought, every year as my birthday comes near, I get reminded that if we want to give our daughter a sibling, it is now or never as my body clock is ticking. Yearly, I end up doing IUI workup near my birthday.
On each failed IUI, I comfort myself that I have done enough throughout the years and maybe this is God’s will, for us to only have one child.
In January 2011, my sister persuaded me to try another IVF procedure in Taiwan. Since my cousin was going there for frozen embryo transfer (FET), why not go together? I was hesitant since I just had a failed IUI 6 months ago (July 2010). My husband and I have already decided that that was the end of our journey to be blessed with another child. I was already 40 years old and it is not exactly the perfect age anymore to be pregnant, not to mention all the reasons I indicated above. I was not willing to do IVF again, more so to do it in a foreign country.
However, the desire to give my daughter a companion inside me never died. My daughter, at that time, was also asking us for a baby girl. With this, I asked for the contact person in Taiwan (Taipei) and tried to send an inquiry through email. I have no intentions yet to pursue IVF again but anyhow will inquire. If everything falls into place, meaning the requirements needed by the Taiwan doctor is easy to supply and if it leads me to Taiwan then maybe I will or we will go for it.