Sunday, September 30, 2012

IVF Workup in Taiwan (Part 4) : Menstrual Cycle Day 6 Doctor’s Consultation

continued from... IVF Workup in Taiwan (Part 3) : Menstrual Cycle Day 3 Doctor's Consultation

On my Day 6, the first thing I did when I arrived Mackay Memorial Hospital was to go to the Ultrasound Room.  I handed the Ultrasound request and I was called in right away for my scan.  After I got my result, I waited again for my turn outside Dr. Robert Lee-Kuo Kuang’s clinic.

My 5-year old daughter who was always with me when I go see Dr. Lee did not get bored while in the hospital.  Each time I sat down to wait for my turn, she went around and played with the water vending machine.  From afar, I hear the vending machine repeatedly goes 請用溫開水 (Feel free to use warm water).  I know it was my daughter playing with it, drinking all the water she gets.  Then later, she will come to me to ask me to go the comfort room with her to pee.  As a consolation, she learned to say the phrase 請用溫開水 articulately J.

My follicles on Day 6 got a little more and a little bigger.  My right ovary’s follicle grew from 0.33 cm to 0.57 cm while my left ovary had more follicles.  There were 4 follicles in my left ovary that were significant 0.8 cm, 0.76 cm, 0.75 cm and 0.88 cm.

This time the instruction of Dr. Lee was to continue to inject 2 vials of HMG Menopur for 2 days, Day 6 and 7 and 225 IU of Gonal-F for 2 days, Day 7 and 8.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
2 vials HMG Menopur / day
2 vials HMG Menopur/day
225 IU Gonal-F / day
225 IU Gonal-F/day

My bill for this visit totaled to NT$12,991.00, breakdown as follows:

Dr. Examination
     Menopur 4 vials
     Gonal-F 1 pen
Laboratory – Blood test E2
Medical Supp
Pharmacy Service

Injections to be done on Sundays are administered in the Emergency Room as the Injection Room is closed on Sundays.  Just the same, you need to bring your passport with you for identification purposes.

Dr. Robert Lee Kuo-Kuang asked me to return 2 days after, May 2 Monday, which was my menstrual cycle Day 8.  Aside from the usual ultrasound prior to Doctor’s consultation, I was also asked to take a blood test to check on my Estradiol (E2) at 8:00 am.  E2 test result comes out in 3 hours which is about 11:00 am.  This is the reason why Dr. Lee instructed me to have it done at 8:00 am so he could see my result by the time I go to his clinic.

To be continued...  IVF Workup in Taiwan (Part 5) : Menstrual Cycle Day 8 Doctor's Consultation

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