Wednesday, October 3, 2012

IVF Workup in Taiwan (Part 5) : Menstrual Cycle Day 8 Doctor’s Consultation

continued from... IVF Workup in Taiwan (Part 4) : Menstrual Cycle Day 6 Doctor's Consultation

As per instruction of Dr. Robert Lee Kuo-Kuang, I went to Mackay Memorial Hospital on my Day 8, May 2, 2011 at 8:00  am to have my blood extracted for my Estradiol (E2) test.   It takes about 3 hours for the result to come out, that is why Dr. Lee wanted me to take it as early as 8:00 am so he can have the result in time for my consultation that morning.

Since we were out so early we did not have breakfast.  My daughter and I went to the nearby store selling freshly made dumplings and had our breakfast.  
Taiwan's Freshly Made Dumplings
When we went back to Mackay Memorial Hospital, we proceeded to the Ultrasound Room.  There were now 2 follicles in my right ovary, 0.86 cm and 0.67 cm.  On my left ovary, there were 5 follicles, the largest is 1.32 cm., the rest were 1.05 cm., 1.25 cm., 1.12 cm. and 1.1 cm.  My E2 result was already at Dr. Lee’s clinic when I saw him, it was 461 pg/nl.  According to, if the level of E2 is between 150-500 pg/nl on day 8, this is a satisfactory measure.  And if it doubles about every 48 hours, follicle growth remains on track and is promising.

This time Dr. Lee asked me to continue with 2 vials each day of HMG Menopur for 2 days, Day 8 and Day 9.  Dr. Lee gave me another medicine Cetrotide (Cetrorelix Acetate) 0.25mg/day for Day 9 and Day 10.  Gonal-F still at 225 IU on Day 9 and to bring  the leftover of Gonal-F on the next day’s visit.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
2 vials HMG Menopur / day
2 vials HMG Menopur/day
2 vials HMG Menopur/day
225 IU Gonal-F / day
225 IU Gonal-F/day
225 IU
0.25 mg Cetrotide

My bill for this visit was NT$9,897.00, breakdown as follows:

Dr. Examination
     Menopur 4 vials
     Cetrotide 2 packs
Medical Supp
Pharmacy Service

My next Doctor’s consultation was after 2 days, May 4, 2011, my Day 10.

To be continued…

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